Recent Blind Dog Dave and the Pirate Throng Activities

Featuring Governor David A Paterson as Blind Dog

Drive Dogs EP

Drive Dogs is a band that began with Michael Moroney and Simon Mills in New York. Very rarely in the same room, parts of songs would be written and recorded in various locations and shared on hard drives, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc., hence the name Drive Dogs. Musicians all around the world participate in the project, even legends like Liberty DeVitto, Richie Cannata, John Beland and so many more. The songs will trickle out over time as schedules permit and gradually be released.


Jingle Writer

Simon Mills and Wazza Bray formed London Music Group in Australia in 1990 and grew the company to the number one commercial radio and television music production house in the country. In 2003 the company won the award for "World's Best Jingle" at the International Broadcasting Awards in Hollywood. That jingle was Hydro Dog Pet Grooming.


Aside from the 20 years of commercial music composition and production, Simon writes for artists and various projects. This is a small sample of his body of work.

To commission custom work by Simon Mills please send your request using the contact form

Phil Emmanuel In The Shadows Of The Beatles

Produced by Simon Mills at London Music Group Australia. 1996.