Distributed Real Estate

Overnight Success

Dr. Mills General

After 4 years of consistent development work Distributed Real Estate has finally arrived at the start line. Funding has been approved and we are finally preparing for launch, buying other companies, positioning partners and staff and generally ramping up. Its a great feeling to finally be pulling this monster together. Many have doubted it would ever happen. Sometimes you just …

Why tell me when you called?

Dr. Mills Ponderous Leave a Comment

For some time it has confused me as to why people still do this. With almost every device you could imagine there comes the technology to tell me when a person calls yet at least half of my messages start with “Hey Simon, Its about 4.12 PM on Tuesday”. Really? You are going to take up my time listening to …

Bum Glue

Dr. Mills General, Millsian perspective Leave a Comment

Author Bryce Courtney said in an interview on Australian television many years ago that bum glue was the major ingredient when asked what it takes to write a great novel. I found over time that writing songs, books or creating anything at all requires a deadline as far as I am concerned. If I have all the time in the …


Dr. Mills Quotes

I decided a long time ago that I din’t have to be talented. I just had to be persistent. DiCamillo.